Mari Menabung. Sila Tekan

Saturday, January 8, 2011

i just miss my childhood time.

see the world by the eye of a kid..

everything is happy,
everything is fine,
everything is colorful,
everything is creative,
everything is nice,
everything is not a burden,

and everything is harmless...

i really miss those time...

during that time...
when i look to the sky, i can feel that the cloud smiling at me...

during that time...
when i play with cat, i can feel that it was talking with me...

during that time...
when the wind come, i just feel that i'm flying follow it...

what a no boundaries imaginaries of kids...

now..? ....
i am adult,
i have responsibility,
i must know what i'm doing..
and i'm just happy with it..
this is life..

i'm just missing my childhood life.
sometimes, i still try to open the window of kids imaginary..
to see and feel what they see and feel..

i can see an elephant and a lion chasing it. what about you..?


adibahrisha said...

ahhhh time kecik bile lalu kat highway i akan tgok awan n try imagine bentuk ape tu... ade naga, ade bentuk smile.

waktu kecik i bebas buat ape yg i nk. i suke panjat pagar, i suke main air sungai, i suke tangkap berudu i suke main hujan. i suke makan ice cream smpai comot.

bila besar semua terbatas. kan?

btw, i nmpk seekot biri2 nk kiss another biri2.

Fahmi Ali Jr. said...

HOHO..bentuk naga i jarang lagi jumpa, kalau smile tu selalu la, nnti
klu i naik flight, i akan cari bentuk naga tu ^^

Huish,time u kecik..u panjat pagar, superb!.
haa, tangkap berudu tu same dgn i.
Makan ais krim, sampai brain freeze penah x..? haha

Biasela, everybody grown up, gonna miss their childhood life.

*how come u nampak biri2 nk kissing..?
okay i'll try to figure it out.